Transparent 1.5 Inch OLED SSD1309 128x64 Display
Transparent 1.5 Inch OLED SSD1309 128x64 Display
What is it?
This compact and stylish monochrome (blue) transparent OLED display screen is designed to emit light while also allowing light to pass through it. With this feature, the display can showcase images and videos while still enabling users to see through it.
It could be used in smartwatches and augmented reality (AR) devices, providing users with relevant information without obstructing their view of the real world. Moreover, this transparent OLED screen can display interactive graphics and videos on top of a fixed colorful background, adding a captivating layer of visual interest. It can even be layered on top of another traditional display or e-ink display for a more dynamic and intriguing effect.
The OLED screen comes glued to the driver board attached. Simply wire it up using I2C and it can be controlled using open source libraries such as: Adafruit_SSD1306
The display itself measures 42 x 27 mm. Including the breakout driver board, it is 42 x 39mm
Note: This board runs on 3.3V logic.