Mini 0.96 OLED Breadboard Debugging Serial Monitor
Mini 0.96 OLED Breadboard Debugging Serial Monitor
What is it?
The OLED Serial Monitor comes in handy when you need to debug your project on the go, where connecting a USB cable to a computer running Arduino serial monitor is not always practical. With this compact device, you can conveniently view real-time Serial.prints feedback directly on the breadboard, ensuring easy debugging and monitoring in the field.
This mini OLED serial monitor is particularly useful for debugging and monitoring purposes. It can be connected to microcontrollers, Arduino boards, Raspberry Pi, or any other device with a serial interface. By displaying real-time data and feedback on the OLED screen, it provides users with valuable insights into the operation of their projects.
The simplicity of this board is remarkable, as it only requires three pins:
- Power
- Ground
- Serial RX
Connecting the RX pin to a microcontroller's software or hardware serial out pin, like the TX on an Arduino, is all that's needed. Once connected, any Serial.prints (to baud rate 9600) will be displayed on the OLED serial monitor. The screen functions similarly to the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE, printing out debugging messages and automatically scrolling down when the screen is full.
It also supports the following control characters: - 0x08 (Backspace) - 0x00 (Clear screen & set cursor back to 0,0)